Data Science & Analysis
APOGEE has the best Data Scientists!*
90% of the worlds data was created within the last two years! This great imbalance of data and informative analysis has encouraged APOGEE teams to focus on discovering the knowledge opportunities hidden in front of our clients. Let the skilled teams at APOGEE help you improve productivity, maximize possibilities, and transform your deliverables and processes through powerful statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualizations.
*( p > 0.05 )
To Insights & Beyond!
Data Science & Analysis is a way of life here at APOGEE. Our data scientists perform model-driven data analyses to enhance planning & productivity. As data transforms into insights, processes & methodolgies evolve, enabling knowledge-driven real-time decision making.
APOGEE Data Scientists apply individual and collective cognitive analytic methods and technologies to analyze, weigh, correlate, and test data hypotheses to extract common truths from our client’s studies and business data. Our Experts in Tableau Software and Structured/Unstructured data sources transform these data truths into knowledge products on the big scale.
Core client outcomes from APOGEE data mining and data wrangling large collections of data efforts are real-time capabilities to understand, predict future trends, create summary views, and extract the most prominent features of their large data sets.
APOGEE Data Viz Engineers are focused on helping our clients empower their people and decision-makers with data and find opportunities they have never seen before by employing the latest in data wrangling and visualization techniques.
APOGEE Trainers teach hands-on classes and provide certification programs paths in Data Science & Visualization with a focus on providing skills enhancement not just training.Using the APOGEE mentor and SME reach back approach supercharges your in-house data science and visualization staff to maximize pattern recognition and land the big fish decision enablers in their organizations Big Data Lake.
Don’t be an outlier. Let APOGEE be your statistically significant other!
Effective data analysis requires a unique blend of art, physics, software engineering, probability, and statistics. At APOGEE, we apply an array of practices, technologies, and systems to turn your Big Data into Trusted Knowledge.
- Problem/Process Understanding
- Data Source Fusion, Scrubbing, Ingestion
- Visualization, Modeling & Optimization
- Present Insights, Lessons Learned
- Deploy Improvements (Dashboards, Reports, Methodologies)
- Rinse, Wash, Repeat
APOGEE’s Data Science & Analysis approach follows Agile Management & Development processes to ensure responsive flexibility, rapid results, and high customer satisfaction.
Learn how to turn your Big Data into Trusted Knowledge!